
Wedding theme - Something Blue...

Why blue? Blue is once a popular color in ancient Rome, where brides wore blue to symbolize love, modesty, and fidelity. Christianity has long dressed the Virgin Mary in blue, so purity was associated with the color. Before the late 19th century, blue was a popular color for wedding gowns, as evidenced in proverbs like, "Marry in blue, lover be true." until Queen Victoria broke the tradition of royals marrying in Silver and wore a white wedding dress, and now most brides wear white wedding dress.  Apart from that, heavier and darker shades of blue are not very much suited to the joyous atmosphere in wedding. But some lighter version of blue are nonetheless perfect to light up the wedding and are in fact, very chic as well like aqua blue or tiffany blue.

We found this coverage on smart decor tips for a blue modern wedding in utterlyengaged.  You may find many useful ideas on using blue to decorate the reception or choosing wedding favors in these few pages...

為什麼是藍色?藍色在古羅馬時代曾經很流行,當時的新娘都穿象徵著真愛,賢淑和忠貞的藍色婚紗。聖母瑪利亞長期穿著藍色衣服,令人聯想藍色就是代表純潔。 19世紀後期前,藍色婚紗一直也是主流。直到英女王維多利亞,打破了王室成員婚禮穿銀色婚紗的傳統,結婚時穿上一襲白色婚紗。自此以後,白色婚紗便成為主流。其實,暗色調的藍並不太適合適合婚禮的喜慶氣氛。不過,一些較淺的藍例如湖水藍或蒂芙尼藍,也很討人歡喜。


photos from utterlyengaged.



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