
Wedding theme - Colors - Purple <紫色婚禮>

相信大家都看到的上一次關於紅色婚禮的文章,你一定不會驚訝,今次我將會介紹紫色為主題婚禮顏色因為喺我哋非正式的統計內,紫色可能係最受歡迎的顏色!For those of you who had read our earlier thread on red wedding theme, it should make no surprises to you that the color that come next to red when we talk about wedding theme colors, purple is on the top of the list! 

係古羅馬既時候,紫色染料係相當稀有和名貴,只有富裕一族和皇室貴族先負擔得起。現在,紫色巳經紓專降貴,喺平民百姓都找到它的蹤影。紫色的,婚紗晚裝,場地佈置,甚至紫色嘅甜品都有但是依然無損它的華麗及豐盈。While we are researching on the internet, we know that in ancient Rome, purple dyes were so rare and expensive that only the very rich and aristocracy could afford them. Today, the lovely hue bedecks bouquets, dresses, decorations, and desserts, but it still maintains an aura of elegance and richness. 

我們在網上找到關於紫色的資料,俾大家參考。The following quotes from http://www.favorideas.com/ explains the use of different shades of purple:

一直以來,紫色都有一批忠實擁戥,當中包括不少新娘。在將來,我們將會看到很多不同既紫色當然我哋好難用一個字去形容它,因為紫色都有相當多嘅變化。相比粉紅色或黃色,紫色所擁有的層次絕對豐富得多。不同深淺的紫色所帶出來的效果同氣氛亦相當唔同。Purple has always had its passionate admirers, not least among brides. But we're likely to see even more of it — especially as fall layouts and design collections induce the rest of us to bow down to its many charms. Of course, it's difficult to use a single word like 'purple' to describe such a broad range of colors. Much more so than with colors like pink or yellow, purple comes in dramatically different hues ... and moods.

如果你心目中嘅紫色是要雍容華貴,royal purple會是你嘅選擇,作為在ballroom舉行婚禮的主題顏色或晚裝都絕對配合。On the dark and sophisticated end, there's royal purple, suitable for low-lit ballrooms and floor-length gowns.

Royal Purple's ideal for formal events.

相反,如果你要求嘅喺輕鬆,溫馨及非傳統嘅婚禮,可以選擇orchid。這樣的紫色適合用來作伴娘裙,以及戶外午間婚禮的主題顏色Then, bringing a completely different feel to the table: orchid. Feminine yet not untraditional, this suggests flirty frocks on bridesmaids under a tropical sun, or a garden affair that slowly unrolls over an enchanted afternoon.

Purple's at its flirtiest in its Orchid or Heliotrope hues.

偏紅的紫色會顯得較為活潑及浪漫,有點兒近似粉紅色。而且偏紅的紫色粉紅色一樣,當配合清新的綠色一併,可以有絕對令人眼前一亮的效果。Purple's lighter shades that lean toward red have a more playful, romantic feel, reminiscent of pink. And the pinker types of purple look just as striking as pure pinks when you pair them with fresh shades of green.

偏藍的紫色令你置身於一片繡球花海中,最適合在郊外舉行的婚禮採用(尤其配合草原農莊...)But choose a purple that leans more toward blue, and you've got the perfect excuse to indulge in armfuls of hydrangeas ... and a great country-casual feel for your wedding (think wide-open fields and apple trees, farmhouses, porcelain sinks and powder blue.)

On the blue end of the spectrum, purple gets an ultra-romantic and fresh country feel.

有一點大家要留意嘅係,紫色係搶眼嘅顏色;如果唔小心運用,效果可能會適得其反...例如,伴娘裙或檯布可以用較淺的紫色。那麼,有甚麼顏色同紫色最夾呢?最安全嘅選擇,就是大量的純白色,它可以令紫色睇起來更顯眼及精緻;除此之外,一般的天然顏色例如啡色,灰色,甚至灰銀色都非常配合。Purple's hardly a shy color, though. And in its most saturated forms, it can almost spin out of control. So for bridesmaids gowns or table linens, look for less vivid shades ... or just go ultra-purple with the sashes and runners. The best foil for purple overall? Often, it's lots of diamond-white, which makes purple look crisp and tailored. Plus, other near-neutrals do just as well: try a deep chocolate brown, charcoal gray, or shiny platinum.

Chic, energizing Aubergine's a favorite of fashion editors everywhere.

既然紫色有咁多不同嘅色調,大家可以自己找出你想要的顏色!Classic啲嘅,試試深紫併藍色啡色;又或者hip一啲嘅,試試淺紫色併青綠及黃色。Well, there are so many shades of purple, and you can always have a little something more if you try mixing it with other colors. For a classic look, pair a deep purple with blues and browns; for a modern edge, accent lavender with bright green or yellow. Either way, purple is sure to ignite the passion in you.

A purple wedding, it that what you looking for?

themed colour photos from http://www.favorideas.com and http://makelovereal.net/