
New York Wedding Dress Designer - Selia Yang

其中一個我們最喜愛的婚紗設計師是來自於紐約的Selia Yang,她的設計絕對會讓你"哇"。簡約、時尚的設計,令她的婚紗成為有品味及要求的新娘”強烈建議“的選擇,但她的王國卻並非由婚紗開始。
One of our favorite wedding dress designer is Selia Yang who make dress that just make you "wow'. A "highly recommended" choice for bridal dress, but her wedding dress kingdom comes out of serendipity.

設計師資料 - 
Selia Yang 於1997年成立她的設計公司,並在紐約的East Village開設她的專賣店憑著她對細節敏銳的眼光,以及無可挑剔的質量,她立即時裝業留下深刻的印象。最初的方向,是以Cocktail Dress和Evening Dress為主,但陸續地許多客戶要求她為她們設計婚紗,因此,Selia Yang的婚紗系列就此開始。

Designer Profile - from www.seliayang.com
In 1997, Selia Yang founded her design company with the opening of her boutique in New York's trendy East Village. She immediately impressed the fashion industry with her keen eye for detail, as well as her impeccable quality. The initial direction was cocktail and evening gowns, but many clients requested that she design their wedding gowns, and thus the Selia Yang Bridal Collection began. 

Selia Yang專長為有要求的女性剪裁晚禮服。她以女性化的設計配合豪華的質料精細手工多層次的顏色。” The Village Voice, NYC對她的評價.
"Selia Yang specializes in gowns for women who never got over playing dress-up. Her femme-y creations shimmer with luxe fabrics, incredible detail work and colors ranging from ladylike pastels to startling brights." The Village Voice, NYC.

自那時以來,Selia現代新娘重新定義了簡約典雅的概念。隨著創新但永恆的設計,她真正了解女人的需要隨著紐約Tribeca專賣店在 2005年開設,她更加入了高級訂製的Couture Line。 
since then, Selia has redefined the concept of simple elegance in the world of modern brides. With designs that are innovative, yet timeless, she truly understands what woman want. With the opening of the Tribeca showroom in 2005, she expanded the line with the couture collection.

Selia認為,如果一個女人要投資在她的婚紗,那件婚紗應該反映相當的質量。那件婚不僅要看起來高貴更能令她的自信心提高結果 - Selia Yang婚紗店是每個紐約新娘必到的聖地
Selia believes if a woman is going to put her money into a dress, then it should reflect in the quality of the garment. Not only should she look like a million dollars, she should feel like a million dollars. The result - Selia Yang bridal shop is on the "must see" list for every bride in town.

“...難怪她的婚紗紐約的新娘心目中變得如此流行。她的設計,為尋找這種精緻和獨特婚紗的女性他們進場的一剎點起星光。” 2000 Best Shop for Dressing Like a Princess - Selia yang, The Village Voice, the Best of NYC
"...No wonder her dresses have become so popular with New York brides to be and women looking for that exquisite and unique dress that helps light up a room when they enter." 2000 Best Shop for Dressing Like a Princess - Selia yang, The Village Voice, the Best of NYC.

Photos and designer profile are from www.seliayang.com