
Wedding theme - Colors - RED <紅色婚禮>

第一次講婚禮嘅主題顏色,作為中國人,就講紅色先啦。當我睇翻父母結婚時影的相,幾乎所有嘢都係紅色:媽媽的裙褂係紅色、佢嘅繡花鞋係紅色、個背景係係紅色、檯布係紅色、連啲襟花都係紅色!係。。。如果好似以前咁樣所有嘢都係紅色,的確係太out啦!但係如果你識得mix & match其他顏色,紅色絕對可以帶出婚禮嘅喜悅!
This is our first blog about colours in wedding, and as a chinese, we will talk about the most common colour in chinese weddings - Red. When I see pictures of wedding of my parents, things are all in red: my mother's chinese wedding dress is red, her shoes is red, the backdrop is red, and table cloth is red, even the paper boutonniere is red! Yes, it's seems old fashioned for us to get everything in red, yet, if you can arrange it well and combine with other colour, red is the colour that can bring out the cheerful, vibrant side of the bride and groom.

Red is an extremely strong, passionate color. As a stimulant, red is the hottest of the warm colors can make your blood boil or your passion ignite. Because of this, small doses of red is more pleasing than large amounts of this strong color. Multiple shades of red and even
pink or orange can combine for a cheerful palette. In China, red is the color of happiness, prosperity and good luck. In some cultures, Red denotes purity, joy and celebration. Furthermore, it's a wonderful color for Christmas and Valentine weddings. For fall, select a deeper shade of red such as burgundy. 


By combining red with other colors, red can add a touch of vibrance and joy to your wedding. Cool blues provide contrast and tone down the heat of red. Light pinks and yellows are harmonizing colors that can work well with red if not too close in value such as dark red with a pale or golden yellow. Be careful using purple, it can be an elegant combination too!
Black and White with Red Wedding ThemeAqua blue and red theme

喺度順帶一提,如果你想搵有顏色主題嘅婚宴場地,剛新裝修完嘅 Mira Hotel 就提供左6種唔同嘅顏色主題比新人選擇;當然,亦都包括紅色啦。
By the way, there is one place that can let you choose your own wedding colour theme in Hong Kong and that is the newly renovated Mira Hotel. It offers six coloured themes for the newly wed to choose from. Of course, red is included. 


Wedding Dresses in Movies 2009


1Bride Wars:《新娘愛鬥大》講述荷里活靚女安妮夏菲維( Anna Hathaway )、姬蒂韓遜( Kate Hudson )一對閨中密友Liz & Emma,為爭贏婚禮舉辦場地,出盡怪招鬥型鬥崩頭。在戲中, Liz所穿著嘅係Vera Wang lace & tulle ballgown;如果要有相同嘅感覺,可以考慮其他選擇,慳咗嘅錢可以用來影相化妝都重有找。

(Sincerity Bridal; less than $1500 and Cosmobella; less than $1000)

另一方面,Emma穿著嘅係佢媽媽留比佢嘅silk taffeta婚紗,經典嘅魚尾線條係來緊嘅幾年都係非常之chic嘅選擇。同樣地,除咗以下嘅option,度身訂造亦都可以確保你擁有一條獨一無二嘅婚紗。

(Vera Wang; $4000 and Jasmine Bridal; less than $1000)

2) Ghosts of Girlfriends Past死鬼女友搵上門(香港冇上過畫) 這部片主要在描述花心大少Connor (Matthew McConaughey)原本與女主角Jenny (Jennifer Garner)是青梅竹馬,就在一次高中舞會上受到刺激後來被其叔叔 Uncle Wayne (Michael Douglas) 啟發,從此成為花心大少,從不付出真心。其後三個女鬼的出現和時空交錯他再重新認識真愛的意義。

戲中女主角Jenny穿著嘅係Manuel Mota嘅lace 加 crystal beading 婚紗;你亦都可以選擇 Jasmine Bridal。

(Manuel Mota; and Jasmine Couture; $1500)

4) Sex and the City: The Movie相信唔需要我多講,都知Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) 個條Vivienne Westwood婚紗有幾特別;雖然呢一襲婚紗有點兒over咗,但是如果你心目中想要的婚紗就是它的話,你亦都可以喺Madam Westwood個度預訂,需時最少半年,代價都只係5k美金;如果嫌拖尾唔夠長,要做長拖尾,代價都只係15k美金。當然,Sarah Danielle等等嘅類似婚紗都係唔錯選擇。

(Sarah Danielle; less than $1500 or Vivienne Westwood; $5000)

excerpt and translated from original post on http://prosttothehost.wordpress.com/2009/06/24/wedding-dress-wednesday-wedding-dresses-in-movies/




受歡程度全台之冠,樂壇天后: 蔡依琳熱愛﹑林志玲﹑楊丞林...  也是它的長期客仔,走在台灣的街頭巷尾, 甚至夜市, 你會輕易發現十多個假眼睫毛的品牌, 但當中最紅的,卻總不能找到而長期斷貨。這個名為「公主李」的當紅品牌, 出名在於其自然的效果,其中「交叉七」更是最受追捧的一款,據說最適合東方人的眼形。

一對假眼睫毛,若不塗上Mascara,可用上半年。一盒「公主李」有10對,其實足夠5年的用量,但仍長期斷貨,實在不理解。要買的話,最好託台灣朋友替你預訂,約半年便有貨了。 (擇至台灣報導)


Wedding Planner

好多新人都喜歡自己一手一腳籌辦自己的婚禮, 無論找場地/影婚紗相,到印都會慢慢尋找,都希望找到最好的。當中的過程有苦有甜,因為要很多時間去選擇,倒如找場地擺酒都要看很多地方,時間都多架。當時我自己結婚,我找擺酒的地方都搵左差不多兩個月,全香港80% 的場地我都親自去看過,又要合心水又要合價錢,都幾困難,最終我說服我老公擺貴D但場地又夠Grand 的 The Mira. 下次再講有幾好。

我自己都有少少後悔無搵wedding planner幫手,其實我自己好enjoy 準備婚禮的大小事議,不過最煩其實是Big Day 當天,兄弟姊妹都巳經好幫手,但始終經驗不夠,所有事都要問返我同我老公。如果有專人幫我,當日我就唔會黑面。最近經常有得參加朋友的婚禮,司儀個part 都好重要,如果專業的司儀會帶動整個婚禮的氣氛架。

有時如果沒有太多時間準備婚禮,咁wedding planner 一定幫到手,因為他們經驗比較豐富,你比個Budget ,他們就比意見你。 

Many couple like to prepare their wedding from scratch, from reception location to wedding photography, hoping to find the best from a pool of vendors. It's painstaking and time-consuming to visit many different reception locations but also a sweet experience with your partner as you hand built your wedding from every brick and stone. When I was planning my own wedding, I did my searching for two months just to find the perfect place for reception and eventually I convinced my fiance that we will have our reception at the Mira. I would have hired wedding planner for my wedding if I knew that I would be so busy on that day. I just could not spare any time to handle all that... and recently, I have been invited to one of my friend's wedding and make me feel that a good MC really make a difference.

For those busy, lazy and want hustle free, hiring someone definitely help, especially those who are experienced in delivering what most brides and grooms want. Set up your budget in the first place, then have realistic expectations and the rest? leave them to your wedding planner and  keep good communication with them to ensure everything is going smoothly and nicely.


Fur Coat



女仕真係幾捱得凍架,你看看所有新娘子凍死都要著無帶(Strapless)或背心款式的嫁衣,為左靚忍下凍都無所謂。而家好多新娘子都會加件毛毛披肩,其實加件Fur 又會暖D同名貴 D,例如兔毛披肩,柔軟得來亦相當保暖,噤就算喺室外影相時都唔使怕啦!